WCSD Around Texas
Houston White Cane Safety Day March participants "I am the eyes that guide the Blind" with a picture of a black service dog beneath the text.
White cane safety day celebrations around texas
Below is a list of White Cane Day Celebrations happening throughout Texas! Try to check out as many of these great events as possible to help us spread awareness about Blindness and Visual Impairment. Be sure to share your experiences and photos with us on social media!
October 12th
Houston Community White Cane Day
Metropolitan Multi-Service Center, 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX
October 15th
Houston White Cane Safety Day
9:30AM – 2PM
University of Houston Student Services Center South, 4455 University Dr, Houston, TX
October 16th
Austin White Cane Day
10AM – 2PM
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 1100 W. 45th, Austin, TX
October 18th
Victoria White Cane Day
1PM – 4PM
American Legion, 1402 E. Santa Rosa, Victoria, TX